Doing your hair with a 360 mirror for cutting hair at home requires some pro skills, here are some tips to ensure the best results:
1. Prepare tools and materials
First, make sure you have the tools and materials you need, including a 360 mirror for cutting hair, clippers, comb, bobby pins, watering can (for wet hair), hair dryer, and more. Keep these tools clean and maintain the 360 mirror for cutting hair regularly according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
2. Shampoo and dry hair
Wash and dry your hair thoroughly before styling it. Wet hair is easier to trim, but some hairstyles need to be trimmed dry, so decide based on your needs.
3. Use the right mirror
360 mirror for cutting hair are often equipped with multiple angles and light settings to ensure you can see every part of your hair. Make sure the mirror is set up for your needs and check it several times during the trimming process.
4. Preparation before pruning
Section your hair into sections and use bobby pins to secure the sections that don't need to be trimmed. This ensures that you have enough focus to trim each section and reduces clutter.
5. Use correct scissors posture
Use professional clippers and make sure they are sharp. When cutting hair, use the flat edge of the scissors with the blades facing down to trim. Be careful not to overcut, and can be trimmed gradually to avoid over pruning.
6. Follow the hairstyling
If you have a specific hair design, please learn more about it before trimming it, and try to trim it according to the design. Use a comb to maintain consistency in the hair, ensuring desired results.
7. Check and fix
When you're done trimming, inspect your hair carefully for uneven sections or areas that need further trimming. Check the different angles of your hair in a 360 mirror for cutting hair to make sure it's even overall.
8. Gradual pruning
If you are not sure how much to prune, it is recommended to prune gradually. Cut off a small amount of hair and check the effect. You can always cut more, but you can't undo what you've already cut.
9. Study skills and practice
Cutting your own hair is a skill that takes practice. Don't expect perfection the first time. Your skills will improve over time, so don't be afraid to practice a lot.
10. Seek professional help
If you have complex hair requests or are unsure how to start, seek the advice of a professional stylist or book a professional trim. They can provide guidance and advice to help you achieve the hairstyle you want.
Most importantly, be patient and confident. Trimming your hair at home takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to do it yourself, saving time and money while maintaining a great look.